Is It Illegal To Hold A Phone While Driving In Texas?
January 30, 2025 | Car Accidents
Phones are a part of nearly everyone’s daily life. You can do almost anything a computer can do on your phone, making it convenient to get directions, listen to music, send a quick message instead of a call, and more. But is it legal to do this while driving in Texas? Can you change the… read more
The Most Dangerous Intersections In Austin
January 8, 2025 | Car Accidents
As with many metropolitan areas, Austin offers numerous attractions, which typically result in traffic congestion. The combination of high traffic volume and dangerous intersections creates a hazardous environment for drivers. If you are involved in a collision, seeking legal representation from an Austin car accident attorney is a smart decision. What Are Some of The… read more
What Constitutes a Catastrophic Injury in Texas
November 6, 2024 | Car Accidents
Any type of accident can create serious injury and losses for victims. Yet, some injuries are worse and longer lasting than others. Catastrophic injuries in Texas are those that create long-term impacts, often limiting quality and length of time, pain, mobility, and other permanent outcomes. If you are involved in an accident that leaves you… read more
Are Punitive Damages Available For Injury Claims In Texas?
June 24, 2024 | Car Accidents
There are the usual types of damages associated with successful personal injury claims. These are the ones you might be familiar with, including economic and non-economic damages that help pay for medical bills, lost wages, and various types of emotional and psychological distress and suffering. However, for some types of personal injury claims, punitive damages… read more
What Is Considered A Commercial Vehicle In Austin?
June 24, 2024 | Car Accidents
Why even distinguish between a commercial vehicle and a regular vehicle on the roadways of Austin? Well, there are a few reasons. First, commercial vehicles are often larger and can lead to more extensive injuries and property damage. Additionally, there may be expanded types of compensation or sources of recovering compensation for victims if they… read more
What Is Reckless Driving in Texas?
April 23, 2024 | Car Accidents
Vehicle accidents are usually caused by the careless or negligent actions of one or more drivers. There are various types of driver actions that can be considered negligent, but there are times when the behavior of a driver rises to the level of recklessness. Here, we want to properly define reckless driving in Texas. We… read more
The Grounds For A Lawsuit After A Car Accident In Texas
February 14, 2024 | Car Accidents
When a vehicle accident causes injuries or property damage, victims may be able to file a lawsuit to recover compensation. Even though most vehicle accident claims get resolved through a settlement with an insurance carrier, it may become necessary for an injury or property damage victim to file an actual lawsuit against the alleged negligent… read more
When Does a Car Accident Go To Court In Texas?
February 14, 2024 | Car Accidents
If you have been involved in a vehicle accident and sustained an injury or serious property damage, you may have to file a lawsuit against another party in order to recover compensation for your losses. However, filing a lawsuit does not necessarily mean you will go to court. In fact, most vehicle accident claims in… read more
Does Full Coverage Insurance Protect You Against Car Accidents In Texas?
January 30, 2024 | Car Accidents
The state of Texas requires individuals to carry a certain type and minimum coverage of auto insurance if they want to remain legal on the roadway. However, the state only requires individuals to carry limited amounts of liability insurance. In some circumstances, individuals are actually required to carry more insurance than this, usually if… read more
How Long Does It Take to Get a Settlement from a Car Accident?
September 13, 2023 | Car Accidents
After sustaining an injury or property damage in a car accident caused by the negligence of another driver, victims should be able to recover compensation for their losses. This compensation can come in the form of an insurance settlement or through a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party. However, it is important to understand… read more